Name : Nergebi

Cooperative "Nergebi" of the village "Lesia" in Lanchkhuti district holds a successful nursery farm. The members of the "Nergebi" had a great deal of work together. Since 2014, farmers has continued to work as a  Agricultural Cooperative and get support from the project.

 "Nergebi" are a mixed type of nursery farm. The cooperative produces  decorative, evergreen and fruit trees. The cooperative has a great deal of experience in producing windstorm plants, alpine wood, cypress, cryptomeria. The demand for windstorm and green plants is growing and the cooperative is trying to expand in this direction. The cooperative also produces berries: strawberries, blueberrries,tapeworm.  In addition, the cooperative is engaged in the production of vegetable crops.

Every  tsummer,   the  500 m2 greenhouse used  to produce  cucumbers. In winter the greenhouse is engaged in different seedlings in order to make the siddlings easier  move into winter. "nergebi" also  producing decorative plants - this is an incomplete list of plants that cooperative offers to  potential clients.

Cooperative "Nergebi" was one of the first cooperatives in Guria, who got support from the project. "Under the cooperative conditions, our business continued with more energy .We felt that there was help from outside." Cooperative members have increased knowledge in terms of management, accounting, and marketing. The previous season "nergebi" successfully passed, the number of seedlings raised and the revenue received from sales significantly increased compared to previous years.

The leader of the "Nergebi" tells us about the joint work  in the cooperative: "We often compare  work separatelly with  joint work in the cooperative. The difference is that the work in the cooperative is divided, all members doing their work. Purchasing materials and poison-chemicals for cooperative jointly can be done on the wholesale market, transportation is united and it significantly reduces our expenses. The Cooperative has made us aware of our group's awareness. In the end, the cooperative "nergebi" became one of the best cooperatives in Guria.

In the future cooperative is going to work in several directions: "nergebi" is already registered, but their goal is to become certified nursery, which will increase their income and introduce more people to their work.

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